Well another Spring Thaw has come and gone – our 9th Annual Relay for Life Spring Thaw 5K Run/Walk/Wheel was held Saturday, April 25, 2015. Despite the rainy weather that was forecast for our area we had 168 register and 115 finishers. We did have a fantastic time and raised a good bit of money for the American Cancer Society. We would like to thank our t-shirt sponsors: Alray Tire, Blue Ridge Roofing, Toby Oliver-Farm Bureau Insurance, Ed’s Lock and Key, Beverly Guy Accounting, M-Prints and Blue Ridge Dentistry. Also a big thanks to Rana Robertson for our awesome t-shirt design, John Weaver for computing our results so quickly, Laramie Combs for keeping our website current and to our Jerry’s Intimidators Relay for Life team members for their faithfulness and willingness to make our runs so successful. As soon as we set the date for our fall run we will let you know!
Download the 2015 Spring Thaw overall results:
>> PDF
Download the 2015 Spring Thaw results by age group:
>> PDF
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